Tuesday 27 October 2015

Travels across Canada

We hit the road about a week ago now. We are now in Nelson BC spending a few days with friends before heading to the coast. It has been a great trip. We've experienced the whole range of weather from warm and sunny to snow.
When we left I loaded the truck with a box of dormant roots and a couple of smaller boxes of non dormant plants-mostly herbs. All destined for my garden in Malcolm Island BC.

Looking forward to getting them all in the ground in their new home.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Woodpeckers and snow

A few days ago I heard these pileated  woodpeckers working a wood pile in the garden.

They must have been there for an hour and didn't seem to mind me watching them.

Then a few days later the first snow. Yikes!

Fortunately tomorrow we start heading west. Hopefully to warmer weather.

Saturday 3 October 2015

End of summer in Ontario

Back to Ontario and to a neglected garden. I'm always surprised at what has survived with no help from me.
The big surprise was the bed that I scattered all my old seeds on in August. Obviously many were still in good shape as lots of beans, peas. amaranth and sunflowers are clamoring for space. There are a few things in that jungle I can harvest for the table, but mostly it will act as a green manure crop.

 I've been harvesting the last of the peas and beans along with lots of lettuce and pak choi and the odd tomato.

The sunflowers are looking great.

The peas and beans that are too mature will be picked and used dried.

We had our first frost 2 nights ago so the beans are no longer with us. But still lots in the garden that didn't get hit.
I'm here for only a couple more weeks. Just enough time to put the garden to bed,
 We then drive back out to BC, so I am wondering how many plants I will be able to dig up and take with me...