Sunday, 10 August 2014

Summers here

Finally the weather seems to have warmed up and it feels like summer.
Even though I was late getting seedlings into the ground this summer in Canada I hoped that lots of hot weather would really get them going. It didn't happen, though now I have high hopes for a warm fall.
In spite of the weather I'm  managing to get a harvest out of the vege garden.
I'm still getting a small harvest from the peas that self sowed in the spring, and the ones I started in July are almost ready to start producing.
The self sown lettuce is keeping us in salads, with new seedlings starting to show promise.
The parsley patch has gone to seed producing lots of flowers for the insect life to feed on and then lots of seed to keep the patch going next year. Last years self sown parsley plants are big enough to harvest.

The parsley flowers look great in a vase with rudbeckia and Echinacea.

I am managing to get enough tomatoes each day for salads. Lots of tomato plants look a ways from ripening, but if we get that warm fall they may make it.

Still in the wings are the squash and beans. We'll see if they make it.
The chillies that I bought as seedlings and put in pots have lots of small chillies on them, so it looks like I'll have enough of those to get through another year.
It's always interesting to see what makes it and what doesn't.

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