Sunday, 27 December 2015

Rice Harvest

Just before Christmas we made a quick trip out to visit our friends Bodge and Ya.
It's always fun to catch up with what is happening on the farm.
The peanuts have been harvested and are now drying.

The rice has been cut. A rain and wind storm blew through just before the harvest bending the rice over, so a lot of it was cut by hand instead of using the machine.

 Finally the rice was harvested and drying on the tarps. Now to get it dry while the sun is shining.
There was rain in the forecast, but the rice did get dried and bagged in time.

Now they can relax and enjoy their holiday time.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Karen village

A few days ago we took a trip up to Sooks village in the mountains.
Sook is growing coffee and we were checking to see when we should harvest.

The coffee is doing well and should be ready to harvest soon.

The cabbages are also doing well up there.

Sook and her dad chat with us in the fields.

Meanwhile Sooks mum prepares some wood for the fire.
The mornings get pretty chilly up there these days.

Poinsettias aka the Christmas flower are used for hedge rows on the slopes. It provides great slashes of colour that is appropriate for the season.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Tropical Flowers

Back in Thailand we are appreciating the warmth.
Always interesting to see what plants in my yard have survived the neglect.
In spite of a long absence I still have a few flowers to provide a little colour.

A few of them made it into a vase, and a quick trip to the flower market for some gladioli ( they grow them in this town) to fill another vase.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Crabs and sunsets

We have been enjoying the warmth of Thailand for a few days now. Before we left Sointula we learned the fine art of catching crabs for dinner.

It all seems pretty easy. Put down the traps in the morning and harvest a feast in the afternoon.  I think we'll be doing it often when we return in the spring.

The last few evenings in Sointula there were some spectacular sunsets. Missing being there already.