Sunday, 8 May 2016

Fencing out the Deer

One of the big changes around here is that the wood to build our deer fence finally arrived.

So we have been busy building a lovely cedar fence along the 2 road frontages. The building is on the 3rd side. On the remaining open side we have put up bird netting supported by T bar posts. Hopefully that will do the trick until we finish fencing in the remainder of the property.

The raised beds continue to be built and I am slowly planting them with seedlings I started a month ago when we arrived here.
The raised beds are 12" high and built on the lawn. Then I put down a layer of cardboard and fill the beds 1/2 full of some local screened top soil. In the near future I'll get in a load of compost and top the beds up with that.
The climate here is a bit of an unknown to me. On one hand there is no danger of frosts, but it does stay cool with the odd very chilly windy day. So I will be learning what will survive at this time of the year and what should wait.
Always fun to learn.