Monday, 19 December 2016

DIY seed pot

Here in Thailand I was having trouble finding ready made seed starting pots. There were the ones that hold 30 or 40 seedlings in a unit, but I only want to start a few of one variety at a time. The round seed pots were too big and besides didn't fit conveniently into my rectangular tray.
So I came up with a method of recycling my plastic milk jugs.

First I cut the milk jug off at the depth I wanted the seedling starter to be. The height I cut it to here works well to fill with dirt or to hold cut in half toilet rolls.

I then drilled 4 holes in the bottom (or you could punch a nail through), and cut the remainder of the milk jug into 2 strips the same depth as the base, with one being the same measurement as the length of the base and one the same width.
These were cut half way through in the middle. I widened the cut to about 1/8 inch.

These 2 strips lock together and fit into the base. The plastic inserts help separate the roots of the seedlings and make transplanting easier. The new seedling pots fit perfectly in the tray I had to hold them with no wasted space.

The newly acquired fruit trees are settling in. We are watering them daily now but in a few weeks we'll start watering less frequently.

Market days see many of the local Hilltribe people selling and shopping.

There are many Karen and Lahu villages in the area.

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